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Webinars and Online Readings

The Get Publishing Webinar Series is part of a new stream of offerings named after the Get Publishing Communications Society (GPCS), which has ceased to exist as of 2016 and gifted its brand to the Writers' Guild of Alberta. The series aims to continue equipping the audience served by Get Publishing in its decade-plus of existence: writers who want to see their work published."


Upcoming Webinars

We use Zoom to conduct our webinars. After you register and pay for the webinar, the link to the webinar will be included in your receipt for payment unless otherwise noted (Note: be sure to complete the payment page, even for free webinars, to make sure that you get the link). The webinars are recorded and available to you for one week after the live session. You will also receive that link via email. Thanks for joining us!

Writer Beware: Writing Scams and How to Avoid Them

Where: Webinar, online via Zoom)
When: March 26, 10:00-11:00 AM

Writer Beware, a service of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, has researched every sort of scam, cheat, and outright theft perpetrated on authors for more than 25 years. This webinar will cover some of the most insidious and will give tips on how to avoid them. Topics covered include agent scams, bogus publishers, and terrible contests. Please register for this event; $25 for WGA members, $35 for non-members, $10 for students.

Accessing Past Webinars

Click on the webinar you are interested in and fill out the form at the bottom of the description. After entering your information, you will be directed to a payment page. Following your payment, you will be sent a link to the webinar.
Be sure to fill out the order page even for free webinars – the link to the webinar will be included in the order receipt.

Additional Audio Content: For more great content, check out the available podcast and other audio recordings available here.

Past Webinars

2021 Online Reading Series

Online Workshops

We will post our upcoming workshops in tabs below!

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