Call for WGA Board Members: Member at Large Position

Following the AGM, we still have a vacancy on the board for a Member at Large position from outside of Calgary and Edmonton. All positions from Calgary and Edmonton on the board are currently filled. Applications are welcome from all other parts of the province. Click here to read more. Or view the Board Recruitment Brochure or the Yearly Time and Financial Commitment summary. 

Financial, Government Relations, Legal, Public Relations/Marketing, and Accounting/Insurance would be considered an asset to help expand the Board’s skills and knowledge base.

Written nominations for the Board of Directors may be made, signed by the candidate and two members of the WGA who are in good standing, submitted by email to [email protected] by August 14, 2018.

If you are interested in discussing the positions available, please contact Carol Parchewsky[email protected]

Deadline for submissions: August 14, 2018

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