Special Write Night Workshop (Edmonton)
More Than One Way to Peel an Orange: Fresh approaches to short storytellingwith Katherine Abbass Monday, February 24Clareview EPL7-9pmFree In this writing workshop, participants will experiment with framing and story-telling devices that deviate from structural norms. They will play with form and structure in order to unveil new vantage points, and come away with some […]
Flash Writing Contest
The University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine and Mama na Mtoto initiative for regional maternal, newborn, and child health in Tanzania is presenting this flash writing contest. The WGA is happy to partner with these groups to offer administrative and promotional support. Flash Fiction or Flash Non-Fiction on the subject of: Mothers and/or Motherhood […]
Meet Our Members
In late 2018 members of the WGA volunteered to be interviewed by students at the University of Alberta as part of a Community Services Learning project. Professor Leilei Chen and her students from ENGL 102 G2 and G3 Fall 2018 and ENGL 102 A10 and A5 Winter 2018 conducted the interviews. We feel like these […]