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NameBecky Wigemyr
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationBrooks, Alberta

Becky Wigemyr grew up in the beautiful foothills of southern Alberta, and became hooked on writing from a tender age. Over the years, Becky has reported on events for western lifestyle newspapers, as well as authoring feature articles on some rodeoês biggest stars.

As a young girl, Becky completed in rodeo as a Barrel Racer, a passion that followed her into adulthood. In 1993, Becky married two time Canadian Professional Rodeo Team Roping Champion Dwight Wigemyr. The Wigemyr family currently lives and works in the southeastern Alberta community of Brooks, Alberta. Whenever they can, they also enjoy spending time in their second home in Queen Creek Arizona. Their two sons, Denton and Devin, are both up and coming Canadian rodeo stars.

Beckyês lifelong love of writing childrenês literature has helped her bring messages of hard work, integrity and determination to children from an authentic and accurate western lifestyle perspective.

  • Children's Literature
  • Young Adult Literature
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