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NameR. Overwater
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationCalgary, Alberta

Rick has been a professional writer for over 20 years. Heês covered music and entertainment for major urban newspapers, is an established agriculture writer, has churned out reams of ad copy, and has showed up everywhere from the Globe and Mail to Snowboard Canada. During that time he wrote and recorded a ton of songs and was a nationally distributed recording artist.

A veteran in the communications field, he also pays a lot of bills as a corporate copywriter ã but his heart belongs to fiction in all its glorious, improbable weirdness.


Futility (independent comic) www.overwater.ca /futility

Tall Tales of the Weird West (anthology - co/editor/contributor)

AB Negative (anthology - contributor)


Bachelor's Degree, Communciations


Imaginative Fiction Writers Association

Society of Authors, Composers and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN)

International Association of Business Communicators

  • General Fiction
  • Playwriting
  • Short Stories
  • Copy Writing
  • Editing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Manuscript Reading / Consultation
TwitterR. Overwater on Twitter
LinkedInR. Overwater on LinkedIn
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