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NameAnamol Mani
Business NameAnamol Mani
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationEdmonton, Alberta

Anamol Mani was born and raised in Nepal. Over one and a half decades, he has worked in a wide variety of literary writing and journalism in the Nepali language. He has lived and worked in Edmonton since 2013. He has published two collections of short stories and two poetry collections in Nepali language. He has earned master's degree in sociology.


19 Number- 2017

Sabut (Evidence)- 2011

Aajaka Nepali Katha (Contemporary Nepalese Stories)- 2011

Neelima Ra Gaada Andhyaro (Neelima and Pitch Darkness)- 2009

Nadi Kinar Ma Ubhiyar (Standing Beside the River)- 2004

  • Poetry
  • Short Stories
  • Travel Writing
  • Book Reviews
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