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NameLyn Thompson
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationCalgary, Alberta

Born and educated in Winnipeg MB. After U of M graduation with a dietetic post grad I married a fellow grad engineering. Life took us to most of the oil towns on Canada's prairies with our family of four boys. We also lived in Peru the Middle East and England. I'm now a widow living in Calgary. In the late eighties I had the urge to write. Short stories tumbled out of my head but someone told me that non-fiction found publishers so I wrote about Hypothermia and a publisher picked it up in 1989. Aha now a published author I tried my fiction again. CBC aired four stories for the blind and I self-published a poetry book about Outhouse Memories because i didn't think I'd find a publisher for that. Selling 600 copies isn't too bad. I have work ready for a publisher but marketing as we all know is the hardest part of writing. The Guild honored me with a life membership for volunteering for nineteen years and fund-raising. In all of this I think I've enjoyed the people I've met through volunteering the most.


Hypothermia The Silent Killer ISBN 0-920490-90-5

Outhouse Memories and Other Cottage Poems ISBN0-9780697-0-65 5

Stories aired on CBC

2 short stories published

5 occasions to have poems published 4

Bella A Woman of Courage 1863 - 1953 ISBN 978-1-77059-775-1


1st place short stories in senior's competitions

Short listed for a children's novel 1 of 5 in 55

  • Children's Literature
  • Essay
  • General Nonfiction
  • Poetry
  • Short Stories
  • Young Adult Literature
  • Readings - Adult
  • Website / Blog Writing
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