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NameLiz Betz
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Liz Betz has had an off and on relationship with her writing. After becoming unblocked in her 40's, she wrote and was published in a variety of genres, including non-fiction, poetry and fiction. Her payments for freelance work flew her to Hawaii, her poetry garnered her public speaking engagements and her fiction landed her a Journey Prize nomination - (in 2004 for Horizon Watcher published in Green's Magazine). The writing that she did in her early 50's was focused on promotional work for her library but eventually she returned to her first love - short stories. At the present, as a freshly minted senior of 60, she is actively writing fiction of the dramatic realism genre. She has published in a variety of markets and is hard at work in order to see the publication of her short stories in a collection form.

Her web presence includes essays that relate to the business and joys of writing and also links to some of her published short stories. Follow the journey at

  • General Fiction
  • Short Stories
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