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Name | Tamara Wallace |
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Location | Calgary, AB |
Biography | A non-fiction professional for many years who wrote over a thousand pieces, I struggled with telling instead of showing (but why can't I bring that fact to life with a talking goat who has anxiety and an Alien named Bob?) Fate intervened with an accident and the realization that I was doing sit-down comedy routines every day: we just called them 'meetings'. Currently working on: - honing writing and editing skills through coursework and discovering that I love to edit...other people's work, but not my own; - final edit of my fiction novel that, even at draft #481, still makes me laugh out loud (and yes, it is supposed to); - research for non-fiction pieces; - screenplay about bullying that I will be shopping around (foreshadowing if we happen to meet); - multiple long and short form pieces because I. Just. Can't. Stop.; - and, beta reading and editing for friends - see previous love of editing for others. |
Publications | Short Pieces in Local Circulations. Pre-Release Novel In production: second and third in series. In production: Screenplay on Bullying |
Awards | Project Award, 1994 |
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