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NameThorsten Nesch
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationLethbridge, Alberta

Since 2014 in Lethbridge, Alberta. 2004 to 2013 in Germany. 1998 to 2003 I lived in Canada. In the 90s I did a lot of traveling. And I was born in Solingen, Germany.


5 YA fiction novels in Germany, 1 children book.


My first novel was nominated Best German YA Debut and it won the Hans-im-Gluck-Award 2012 in Germany.

Jury: His style is a stroke of luck for literature


more than 1,500 readings in Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland and twice on Cruise Ships throughout the Mediterranean Sea.

Taught YA Writing for Young Adults and Adults (Junior Higschool, Highschool, University). As translator the non-fiction book "Not Future without Forgivess" by peace nobel prize winner Bishop Desmond Tutu.

riter-in-Residence at H.A.L.D. Denmark and in Hausach, LeseLenz, Germany


WGA and Allied Arts Council Lethbidge, Canada, VG Wort and VG Bild in Germany

  • Children's Literature
  • Comedy / Humour
  • General Fiction
  • Playwriting
  • Screenwriting
  • Young Adult Literature
  • Lectures / Public Speaking
  • Readings - Adult
  • Readings - Youth
  • Workshops - Youth
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