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NameJanet A. Wilson
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationCalgary, Alberta

Janet A Wilson was born and raised in South Africa. She has a fierce love for the continent's wilderness, wildlife, and the rich diversity of cultures and people. She lived in the wilderness, as her husband was an exploration geologist. Surrounded by wildlife, no running water, no electricity, and a toddler, Janet loved their lifestyle. But unwilling to support apartheid, they immigrated to Canada with their sons in 1979. But she always retained her desire to return to Africa and explore the continent. Janet has experienced three extensive overland travels across Africa with her husband. The couple have also driven from Alaska to Argentina. She lives in Calgary, Canada. She graduated with a degree in sociology and nursing and obtained her Master’s in Health Administration.


All You'll See is Sky, Resetting a Marriage on an Adventure Through Africa, scheduled for release April 2024. (Memoir/Travel)

Overland Journal, Fall 2011. Lessons from Ethiopia: A heart-wrenching story of travel and loss.


Alexandra Writing Centre, Calgary
NonFiction Author's Association, USA

  • Autobiography / Biography / Memoir
  • Creative Nonfiction
  • Travel Writing
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