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NameGreg Bechtel
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationEdmonton, Alberta

Greg Bechtelês occasionally prize-winning fiction and creative nonfiction have appeared or are forthcoming in a variety of magazines and anthologies, including Avenue Edmonton, The Fiddlehead, Prairie Fire, and Imaginarium 4: The Best Canadian Speculative Writing. His first story collection, Boundary Problems, won the Alberta Book of the Year Award for trade fiction, was a finalist for the William L. Crawford Fantasy Award and the City of Edmonton Robert Kroetsch Book Prize, and was longlisted for the Frank OêConnor International Short Story Award.


Boundary Problems. Story collection. Freehand Books, March 2014.

"The University Bubble." Personal essay. Avenue Edmonton, October 2015

"The Mysterious East (Fredericton, NB)." Short story. The Fiddlehead. 246 (2011).

"Nanabush Negotiations: Brantford Ontario." Novel excerpt. Tesseracts Eleven. Ed. Cory Doctorow and Holly Phillips. Calgary: Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2007.

"The Concept of a Photon." Creative non-fiction. Prairie Fire 28.2 (2007).

Junk Mail. Short story. Prairie Fire 26.2 (2005).

Blackbird Shuffle (The Major Arcana). Short story. Prairie Fire 25.4 (2004).


Alberta Book of the Year, Trade Fiction (winner) for Boundary Problems, 2015

Robert Kroetsch City of Edmonton Book Prize (finalist) for Boundary Problems, 2015

William L. Crawford Fantasy Award (shortlisted) for Boundary Problems, 2015

James Patrick Folinsbee Memorial Scholarship in Creative Writing (2009)

2nd Prize, Prairie Fire Creative Nonfiction Contest (2006)

2nd Prize, Prairie Fire Short Story Contest (2004)


Writer's Guild of Alberta, The Writers' Union of Canada, International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English.

  • General Fiction
  • General Nonfiction
  • Short Stories
  • Readings - Adult
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