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NameJudy Weir
Business NameRomance Under Fire
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationSpruce Grove, Alberta

When I began to write in year 2000, it was only to deal with a paranormal event. As I opened up to more inspiration, I discovered creating fascinating characters and thrusting them into no-win plots felt exhilarating. After taking a few courses at the University Extension, the passion for writing blossomed to the point I'd do anything to make time to write. My first novel, The Guardian's Wildchild, was published by Omnific Publishing in 2011. I thought, and secretly hoped, that was my first and last journey into the publishing world. Parts of me wanted my old life back.

Two months after The Guardian's Wildchild was published, another inspiration took hold full force. Forbidden is now in the final publishing stage.

Another hurdle is learning how to keep balance in my day to day life. Make time for writing, and yet make time for my many other interests.

My novels are a mixture of suspense/thriller, police/crime with elements of romance and humor. I do book reviews, participate in author book launch celebrations, talk a bit about Islam (my current novel's setting is Middle East future), share info about writing and publishing, and sometimes share my personal side. Come visit me at my blog, Romance Under Fire: http://www.featherstoneauthor.wordpress.com


The Guardian's Wildchild



Crime Writers of Canada

  • Crime Writing
  • Mystery / Suspense / Thriller
  • Romance
  • Book Reviews
  • Mentoring
  • Website / Blog Writing
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