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NameCarol Taylor
Business NameSmiling Single Mom
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.

A small town girl, Carol grew up in Central Alberta on a farm just west of a small rural community. She is the eldest of three girls. After graduation she moved to Olds with her future husband. They were together for twenty six years and in that time they co-created two marvelous boys and a lot of wonderful memories. Carol had a variety of jobs, but enjoyed her work as a lifeguard & swimming lesson instructor and her work at the daycare the most. She has always loved working with children. This inspired her to get her Bachelor of Education in 1995. She is currently an active teacher in her small town. She was routinely doing her monthly breast exam in July, 2011 when she discovered a lump in her right breast. After going through a mastectomy and chemotherapy, she decided that her body had been through enough and listened to her heart which told her that radiation and drugs were not needed and she should focus on her healing. She enjoys spending time with her boys, going on adventures, writing, reading, cooking, hiking, biking, living in the moment, loving, laughing, learning, drinking tea, meditating, doing Pilates, Facebooking, eating dark chocolate-covered almonds, spending time in her yard and in nature. Currently she is teaching part time so she can spend time on her new adventure of writing. She is passionate about expressing herself in words that inspire and bring hope to others who experience the process of cancer or any other learning experience actually. She believes a positive attitude can create miracles. Keep a look out for future works.


This is my first book and what an amazing learning experience it has been. I'm hooked now. 🙂


Alberta Teachers Association

  • General Nonfiction
  • Book Reviews
  • Editing
  • Lectures / Public Speaking
  • Manuscript Reading / Consultation
  • Mentoring
  • Readings - Adult
  • Website / Blog Writing
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