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Name | Angela Kublik |
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Location | Edmonton, Alberta |
Biography | Angela Kublik is an Edmonton based writer, librarian, editor, and publisher. Her poetry has appeared in The Prairie Journal, Legacy, FreeFall, and Alberta Encore: People, Places, and Poetry from Legacy Magazine. Her haiku appeared at DailyHaiku.Org as part of Cycle 3, and a haibun series, An Unsuspecting Lump of Clay, appeared as a special feature in 2010. With Dymphny Dronyk, she is the co-founder/publisher of House of Blue Skies, and co-editor of the best-selling poetry anthologies Home and Away: Albertas Finest Poets Muse on the Meaning of Home and Writing the Land: Alberta through its Poets. As founding editor, she edited from 2007-2011. |
Publications | Ed. with Dymphny Dronyk. Writing the Land: Alberta through its Poets. House of Blue Skies, 2007. Ed. with Dymphny Dronyk. Home and Away: Alberta's Finest Poets Muse on the Meaning of Home. House of Blue Skies, 2009. |
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