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NameJim Parker
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.

Dr. J.R. Parker ("Call me Jim") studied mathematics and

computer science before ending up as a Professor of Art

at the University of Calgary. His expertise ranges from

computer simulation, image processing, artificial

intelligence, game design, and generative art. When

asked he claims to be an expert in 'complex interacting

systems', but don't ask him to tie a half hitch.

He lives on a small ranch in the foothills of the Rocky

Mountains where he helps raise small animals and Tennessee

Walking horses. He's also quite a cook and was the

original bass player for the 1970's band "Detour".


Books: (Non-fiction):

Practical Computer Vision Using C (Wiley)

Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision (Wiley)

Start Your Engines (Paraglyph/Osborne)

Guide to Computer Simulations and Games (Wiley)

Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision (2nd Edition) (Wiley)

Game Development Using Processing (Mercury)

Python - An Introduction to Programming (Mercury)

Python 3 Pocket primer (Mercury)

RumbleSat - Art from the Edge of Space (Durvile)

Game Development Using Python (Mercury)

Generative Art - Algorithms as Artistic Tool (Durvile/U of Toronto Press)

A Graphical introduction to Programming (Forthcoming, No-Starch Press)

Short Fiction (Published):

Non-Player, The Astounding Outpost, November/December 2017.

Not Alone, in RumbleSat - Art from the Edge of Space", 2017.

Neanderthal, Page & Spine, April 7, 2017.

  • Academic / Scholarly
  • General Fiction
  • Horror
  • Science Fiction
  • Short Stories
  • Technical Writing
  • Copy Writing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Readings - Adult
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