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NameSara Zampa
LocationEdmonton, Alberta

Currently make my living as a web designer, but becoming a published author has always been in the works.

In another life, I was a culinary arts grad at the Culinary Institute of Canada in Charlottetown, PEI. Working in kitchens is not for the feint of heart, and you cannot find a better industry in which to hone teamwork skills. Before that I was an english major at University of Calgary. I realized that appreciating an author's work does not enjoyably extend into writing 5000-word essays on the nuances of their symbolic choices, but my love of books, syntax, and grammar will never die.

For fun, I enjoy writing (especially creative), but I love editing even more. The misuse of an apostrophe makes me twitch, but thankfully I've learned not to be obnoxious about correcting people's mistakes. Occasionally, I don boxing gloves and ride horses (not necessarily at the same time), and can shuffle cards quite theatrically.

  • General Fiction
  • Young Adult Literature
  • Book Reviews
  • Copy Writing
  • Copy Editing
  • Editing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Proofreading
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