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NameNancy O'Hare
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationCanmore, Alberta

Nancy O'Hare is the author of Dust in My Pack. She combined her career with a love for travel, resulting in a lot of moves but being able to live and work across five continents over twenty years. O'Hare's husband shares her passion to visit distant lands and captures remote scenes in his photography. Together, they have transitioned from a corporate career to pursue their creative pursuits. O'Hare captures moments from multi-month journeys to off-the-beaten path locations in her book. Her writing conveys a passion for nature and intriguing cultures found by exploring all seven continents.

O'Hare's travel writing structures stories into themes, such as trekking or ancient sites. Inspire your inner traveller with her refreshing perspective on lesser-visited destinations.

Dust in My Pack is available as an ebook and paperback at most online bookstores. A second book is expected later in 2018.


Self-published non-fiction travel book: Dust in My Pack

eBook published July 25, 2017

Paperback to be published September 12, 2017

Posted various finance related articles on LinkedIn:

Oil Producers' Quest to Lower Costs: November 25, 2016

It's Time for the Maple Leaf Pounce: November 15, 2016

The Revolutionary Finance Team: Guide to New Country Entrance: May 19, 2016

Canada's Energy Footprint: A Tinge of Green or Affixed in Black? March 31, 2016


None related to writing


None - I had a twenty career in finance, so my work experience and education is focussed on this former career. I hold a CA, CPA designation and earned an Executive MBA with distinction.


BNC Biblioshare Booknet Canada

Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada

Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta

  • Travel Writing
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