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NameKelly Kristensen
Business NameKelly Kristensen Editing & Literary Consulting
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I am a freelance fiction editor, and I am currently working on my first novel.

As an editor, I help fiction writers prepare their manuscripts for self-publication or submission to agents by offering them services such as manuscript critiquing, stylistic and line editing, and coaching. Iêm a student member of Editors' Association of Canada and a guest member of the Editorial Freelancers Association, and I have experience writing and analysing fiction of all genres and have focused my university degree on literary criticism and creative writing. I am a lover of books of all genres. I read 80+ novels, short stories, and plays every year. I am a defender of the Oxford comma. I get excited walking through a bookstore, and I prefer buying a new book over almost anything else. I believe in continued education, and I take workshops, seminars, and webinars throughout the year so that I stay up to date on writing theory and publishing trends, and learn how to serve writers and readers better. I spend my spare time with my four book-loving children, adventuring and having fun.


I am nearly finished my BA, with a major in English. I am also currently taking courses through SFU's editing program.


Iêm a student member of Editors' Association of Canada and a guest member of the Editorial Freelancers Association. I am a reader and reviewer for NetGalley.

  • Autobiography / Biography / Memoir
  • Children's Literature
  • Creative Nonfiction
  • Flash Fiction
  • General Fiction
  • Middle Grade Literature
  • Romance
  • Short Stories
  • Technical Writing
  • Book Reviews
  • Copy Editing
  • Developmental Editing
  • Editing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Manuscript Reading / Consultation
  • Substantive / Structural Editing
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