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Name | Jana Lapel |
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Location | Edmonton, Alberta |
Biography | Jana Lapel launched her singing and acting career in Chicago in the 1970's. After moving to Edmonton, Alberta in 1975 she became involved in the local entertainment and theatre community, taught voice at MacEwan college, worked in the media for twenty years and founded "Christy Clown and Friends" (children's entertainment musical theatre troupe). Besides Chicago, she also lived and worked in the Twin Cities in Minnesota, Phoenix, AZ. Writing has always been part of her work in Radio and Television and for live theatre performances. In 2013 she (semi) retired to focus on writing her memoir. She'd had the title since 1984 but never had the time to write the stories of what she considers a "miraculous" recovery from child abuse, four broken marriages and finally finding unconditional love with "number five!" As an inspirational speaker and singer, Jana saw how her stories gave hope to other broken souls. Over the forty years she portrayed "Christy Clown" much personal healing took place. She is excited to be self-publishing "Under the Makeup It's Me!" in 2017 and looks forward to getting back on the speaking circuit with the book and her two CD projects. |
Experience | Radio Copywriter Free lance Script writer |
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Other Contact | 780-907-5997 cell phone |