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NameColleen M Kelba
Business NameColleen Songs
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.

Colleen Songs is a Canadian Singer/Songwriter/Inspirational Speaker who has been spreading her message about using your inner strengths to lead you to the fulfillment of your wildest dreams.

She began singing and writing when she was 14 and leaned in to those talents to carry her through adolescence, romance, heartache, back to love, motherhood, wellness, trauma, and the loss of a loved one with mental illness.

She has conquered MS for the past 21 years and has recently began singing once again following a car accident that caused her to have emergency neck surgery leaving her more afraid of losing her voice than afraid of the surgery.

Using that time of recovery, Colleen wrote her memoir, •INHALEê with Tellwell Publishing Canada based on her journey as a Caregiver of a loved one with Mental Illness where she had to dig deep into her inner strengths and gut instincts that kept her alive, able to escape, and living her dream life.

Currently Colleen is writing and recording her second album •This Lifeê, one song at a time, and working on her memoir sequel...because –Dreams Never Expire!”-Colleen Songs.



FB, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn: @iamcolleensongs

Testimonial Page


Looking At Love' Album by Colleen Songs Released 2011

"INHALE" Memoir by Colleen Songs (coming soon!)

Social Media Marketing-Commission Writing for Century21 Bravo realty

Commission Poetry Writing for Brenda Hammon 'Sacred Hearts Anthology' (in progress)

Short Column writing for Caotica Media


Poet of Mention - 'Island Impressions' Anthology of Verse, Poetry Institute of Canada 1998


I have been a poet and story book reader since I can remember. Coming from a large musical family and a lover of books, words surrounded me. I wrote my first song at the age of 14 and read Encyclopedias as I awaited my schoolbooks to arrive during my home-school years from Grade 7 to 11. Reading and writing were my avenues to travel and explore the world.


Member/Speaker - eWomen Network

Speaker/Singer- Women Talk Canada

Migratory Words-Canmore AB, Canada

Women Talk Canada-Calgary, AB, Canada

Downtown Kiwanis Club-Kamp Kiwanis, Calgary, AB Canada

Scholarship Selection Board Member-Gems for Gems

  • Autobiography / Biography / Memoir
  • Blogging
  • Poetry
  • Web Copy
  • Book Reviews
  • Freelance Writing
FacebookColleen Kelba on Facebook Page
TwitterColleen Kelba on Twitter
LinkedInColleen Kelba on LinkedIn
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