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Business NameMRKy Waters
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationCalgary, Alberta

My name is Melissa R. Knive, a.k.a. Melietcetera


I was born on the Alberta prairies in a Canadian farming community. ¾Through moving around, health issues, bullying, and studying, I have developed a list of interests that (like myself) simply do not fit nicely into one box.


I have a degree in political science and sociology from Acadia University and have been a writer for many years while working in various "day jobs" throughout my career. ¾My regular topics include political commentary, mental health research, and current events with a focus on Canada. ¾I have written a Christmas children's book and am currently working on a historical fiction about the London Beer Flood.


Through this website and my social media handle Melietcetera, I hope will be expanding my research and including various books and movies that relate to my regular topics.


Toastmasters International

  • Academic / Scholarly
  • Blogging
  • Children's Literature
  • Creative Nonfiction
  • Historical Fiction
  • Screenwriting
  • Short Stories
  • Travel Writing
  • Book Reviews
  • Editing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Ghostwriting
  • Lectures / Public Speaking
  • Proofreading
  • Website / Blog Writing
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