Richard (Rick)BOgle

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NameRichard (Rick) B Ogle
Business NamePoems and Short Stories
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationLeduc, Alberta

I not sure what to write here. I am retired and have not published anything. I like to write but that doesn't mean I know what I am doing. I am open to learning, but I have mobility issues and don't travel well.

My website contains poems and short stories I have written over the past thirty some years, plus the first two chapters of two books I am working on and have been working on for the last thirty years.

Work has always been a priority, and it has interfered with my writing, until I retired that is, and now I am trying to get back into writing, but I could use some help. I am not sure that I am doing this right. I just like to write.

I don't go on Facebook much because there is to much controversy regarding privacy issues. I'm sure you can understand my reluctance.

  • Fantasy
  • Poetry
  • Science Fiction
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