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NameLara Apps
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LocationEdmonton, Alberta

Lara Apps has a PhD in History from the University of Alberta. She lives in Edmonton. She currently works for the Alberta Human Rights Commission as well as for Athabasca University, and is working on a novel.


Lara Apps and Andrew Gow. Male witches in early modern Europe. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003.

Lara Apps and Alexandre Christoyannopoulos, "Anarchism and Religion," in Brill's Companion to Anarchism and Philosophy, ed. Nathan Jun. Leiden: Brill, 2018

–The Judgment of God: Using Suicide to Combat Atheism,” in Mediating Religious Cultures in Early Modern Europe, eds. Torrance Kirby and Matthew Milner. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2013.

–Motive Hunting in the Case of Richard Hathaway," in Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural 1, no.1 (2012): 72-99.

"All Apologies." Bewildering Stories #178, 2005.

"Last Call." Bewildering Stories #165, 2005.


BA, MA, PhD in History

Taught/teach several university courses in History and Religious Studies

  • Academic / Scholarly
  • Fantasy
  • Historical Fiction
  • Horror
  • Short Stories
  • Urban Fantasy
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