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LocationHigh Prairie, Alberta

–Tansi, neya Osawaw Kehew Napeau” Hello my third Nehiyaw/Cree name is Golden Eagle man, my English/French name is Marcel Desjarlais. I was born the fifth child of nine siblings and was raised traditionally in the community of East Prairie Metis settlement and Frog Lake First Nations. My home is nestled along the East Prairie river in the foothills of Swan Hills and along Lesser Slave Lake by my Cree/Metis parents. I have acquired extensive knowledge in our indigenous culture, practices and way of life. I am an avid hunter, fisherman and hold traditional ecological knowledge and spiritual teachings.

I am a proud father to three wonderful sons, one beautiful daughter, four amazing grandchildren and countless adopted sons and daughters. I am a competent, self taught and remerging artist and budding artist and I draw upon my own Nehiyaw culture, life experiences and participation in ceremony. I bring with me many years of experience as a student/mentor of the Cree language culture, ceremony, art, story telling, dance, hunting and medicine gathering and I am one of the –Oscapiousak (Fire keeper/helper) to my parentês ceremonial fires.

As an artist I use many different mediums of expression such as pen & paper, acrylics, water color, charcoal pastel and also three-dimensional mediums such as red willow, birch bark, Saskatoon berries and fish scales for crafting projects. I am a budding unpublished writer of poetry, Cree short story and am currently researching my parents post Indian Residential School bibliography/manuscript.

I am a skilled hunter, gatherer and medicine picker and implement these lifelong skills while instructing my own children, grandchildren and youth in care. I teach people how to make willow dream catcherês, breast plates, birch bark moose calls, medicine baskets. Through storytelling I also teach how to identify plants, shrubs and roots for their medicinal properties and spiritual value. I believe wholeheartedly in the seven sacred teachings and feel these are the foundations in how I express my self through writing and artistic expressions.


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Coming of Age Ceremony- WJS Canada Blog


Awards of Community Volunteerism

Award for Bravery in Line of Duty


Writers Guild of Alberta

Sun dance Society

  • Autobiography / Biography / Memoir
  • Blogging
  • Children's Literature
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