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NameT Robert Pearson
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationRed Deer County, Alberta

T Robert Pearson writes Dark Comedy fiction. He is currently enrolled at Red Deer College, with plans to complete his B.A. at U of A. He was raised in Calgary and Red Deer. b. 1988.


Red Deer College- Agora Conference Academic Journal: "Passing the Axe: the Changing Ethnicity of the Varangian Guard of Constantinople", 2018.


Rick Gerard Memorial Scholarship- 2017, for short story "Too Tough for Tears" (Judged contest)

Rick Gerard Memorial Scholarship- 2018, for short story "The Ride" (Judged contest)

  • Academic / Scholarly
  • Comedy / Humour
  • General Fiction
  • Historical Fiction
  • Horror
  • Middle Grade Literature
  • Short Stories
  • Video Game Writing
  • Freelance Writing
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