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NameWayne Arthurson
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationEdmonton, Alberta

Wayne Arthurson is an Edmonton based indigenous novelist and journalist, author of the five novels, five books of non-fiction and numerous articles in a wide variety of publications. His novels include the award-winning Leo Desroches series, which won the 2012 Alberta Readersê Choice Award in 2012 for Fall From Grace. Other novels include A Killing Winter, Blood Red Summer, The Traitors of Camp 133 and Final Season. He was the Writer in Residence for the Edmonton Public Library for 2016.


« The Red Chesterfield, University of Calgary Press (Oct. 2019)

« Dishonour in Camp 133, Ravenstone Books (Forthcoming)

« Traitors of Camp 133, Ravenstone Books (Sept. 15, 2016)

« Blood Red Summer, Eschia Books (May 2016)

« A Killing Winter, Forge Books, a division of Macmillan US (2012)

« Spirit Animals, Eschia Books (2012)

« Alberta Weekly Newspapers: Writing the First Draft of History, Folklore Books (2012)

« Fall From Grace, Forge Books, a division of Macmillan US. (2011)

« In the Shadows of Our Ancestors Eschia Books (2011)

« For Love, Not Money: 50 Years of Walterdale Playhouse (2008)

« Strength, Vision and Courage: The Story of the Winnifred Stewart Assoc. (2002)

« Final Season, Thistledown Press (2002)

« Plus, more than 200 articles and five short stories


Finalist, Alberta Magazine Awards, Best Profile (2017)

Shortlist, Best Indigenous Writer, High Plains Book Awards (2017)

Winner of Alberta Readersê Choice Award, Fall From Grace, (2012)

Winner of CAA Exporting Alberta Award, Final Season (2003)

Winner of AlbertaViews Short Story Contest, Stolen Silence (2001)


Writer in Residence, Edmonton Public Library (2016)

Freelance Writer at Autarky Communications (1998 - present)

Special Features Editor, Vue Weekly (2001 _ 2006)

Senior Writer, Great Scott Communications (1996 _ 1998)

Communications Officer/Editor, Alberta Pork Producers/Western Hog Journal (1991 _ 1995)

Plus, a number of journalism positions since 1987

  • Creative Nonfiction
  • Crime Writing
  • Essay
  • General Fiction
  • General Nonfiction
  • Historical Fiction
  • Literary Fiction
  • Mystery / Suspense / Thriller
  • Science Fiction
  • Travel Writing
  • Book Reviews
  • Freelance Writing
  • Ghostwriting
  • Lectures / Public Speaking
  • Readings - Adult
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