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NameChandra Fisher
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationSpruce Grove, Alberta

Iêm a brand new author excited to make my mark on the book world. When Iêm not writing, Iêm teaching. I have an Education degree and a Phys. Ed. degree, which Iêve used to their full extent, teaching kids of every age from kindergarten to grade twelve. Right now, Iêm a substitute teacher, saving other teacherês classes from fistfights, floods, and flying mammals.

Iêm a mother of four kids under eight and wife to a husband with chronic pain and ADHD. I love to keep my life jam-packed; this way, I never get bored! Iêm a Ravenclaw (Luna Lovegood style), a Leo (Lisa Kudrow style), and if I had to be one kitchen appliance Iêd be an Instant Pot.

Since I decided to start writing, Iêve written two novel manuscripts, a short story, and several blog posts. Last year my YA manuscript THE BOW AND THE BLADE received a request and feedback in the Revise & Resub contest. I enjoy social media interaction through Instagram, Twitter, and my author website, and I was excited to attend the Writerês Guild of Alberta conference last year.

  • Children's Literature
  • Fantasy
  • Flash Fiction
  • General Fiction
  • Science Fiction
  • Short Stories
  • Young Adult Literature
TwitterChandra Fisher on Twitter
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Instagram: @thatchandrafisher

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