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Name | Neil Surkan |
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Location | Calgary, Alberta |
Biography | Neil Surkanês debut poetry collection, On High, was published by McGill-Queenês University Press in 2018. His chapbook, Super, Natural, was published by Anstruther Press in 2017. His poems and reviews have appeared in numerous Canadian magazines. He is a PhD Candidate in the Department of English at the University of Calgary. |
Publications | Book On High. McGill-Queenês University Press (The Hugh MacLennan Poetry Series), 2018. Chapbooks Super, Natural. Anstruther Press, 2017. Snarl. Oakpress, 2011. Anthology (Forthcoming) –On High.” Poetry in Voice. Literary Magazines (Forthcoming) –Shore.” Untethered. –Late Style.” PRISM international. vol. 57, no. 4, 2019. –Three Poems.” Riddle Fence. No. 32. –The Unspeakable.” The Muse. no. 9, Spring 2019. –A Walk.” The Anti-Languorous Project, Fall 2018. –Woods and Nobody Around.” EVENT, vol. 47, no. 2, Summer 2018. –Two Poems.” The Fiddlehead, no. 276, Summer 2018 –Two Poems.” CAROUSEL, vol. 40, Summer 2018. –Private Rooms: A Suite for Kapwani Kiwanga.” LUMA Quarterly, Winter 2018, –Vesper.” Prairie Fire, vol. 38, no. 3, 2017. –On High.” The Literary Review of Canada, vol. 25, no. 6, July-August 2017. –Three Poems.” Riddle Fence, no. 27. –On Comfort.” The Antigonish Review, vol. 48, No. 189, Spring 2017. –Three Poems.” The Impressment Gang, vol. 3, no. 2, Spring 2017. –Two Poems.” Contemporary Verse 2, vol. 39, no. 4, Spring 2017. "Two Poems." OMEGA (by METATRON), March 2017. –Bucolic.” Malform, vol. 1, no. 2, 2016. –Two Poems.” Untethered, vol. 3, no. 1, 2016.. –Both at Once.” Grain, vol. 43, no. 4, 2016. –Making Space.” The Literary Review of Canada, vol. 24, no. 4, 2016. –Two Poems.” PRISM international, vol. 54, no. 3, 2016. Reviews (Forthcoming) –More Life: Mike Barnes, Brenda Leifso, and Shane Neilson.” Canadian Literature. –The Birds and the Neutrino Observatories: Matthew Tierney and David Alexander.” Canadian Literature, no. 238, 2019. –Personal Places: Joelle Barron, Curtis Leblanc, and Mallory Tater.” Canadian Literature, no. 238, 2019. –Two Channels, One Present: Jay Ritchie and Kevin Shaw.” Canadian Literature, no. 236, 2018. –Disaster Prone: Rachel Lebowitzês The Year of No Summer: A Reckoning.” The Literary Review of Canada, vol. 26, no. 6, July-August 2018, . –Fist, Fire, and Heart: Michael Lista and M. Travis Lane.” Canadian Literature, 13 October 2017, . –Sifting the Stream: A Review of Laura Broadbentês In On The Great Joke.” The Puritan, Issue 28, Summer 2017, –Unheimlich Maneuvers: Erin Moureês Tiny Theatre of Replicas in Kapusta.” The Puritan, Issue 30, 2015, . –No Aversion to Versions: Elise Partrdigeês Unlikely Ensemble in The Exilesê Gallery.” The Puritan, Issue 31, 2015, |
Awards | Florence Katherine Harington Graduate Scholarship in Poetry 2018 Carol Honey Award for Creative Writing 2017 CCWWP Bi-Annual Poetry Prize 2016 |
Experience | PhD Candidate, English, University of Calgary Writer-in-Residence, The Cumming School of Medicine, 2018-19 Reader, Poetry, The Puritan |
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Neil Surkan on Twitter |