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NameSophie Torro
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationCalgary, Alberta

Sophie Torro is a 16-year-old author, who currently lives in Calgary. At the age of 15, she published her first novel: SkyTalons: Cornelius' Curse. Quickly following the release of her first novel, Sophie published her second called SkyTalons: Shadows Within. Both novels have been loved by readers from across Canada and around the world, and has received 5-star ratings on Amazon, Goodreads and Kobo.

In December of 2019, Sophie Torro and her novels received national press coverage across Canada, via the Sun Media chain. The article can be viewed here:

Sophie is currently working on her future novels, and other exciting projects. For more information, visit her at


SkyTalons: Cornelius' Curse

SkyTalons: Shadows Within

  • Children's Literature
  • Fantasy
  • General Fiction
  • Juvenile Literature
  • Middle Grade Literature
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