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NameMari-Rose E.K. Northwind
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationRed Deer

Hi, my name is Mari and I am a college student. My creative writing teacher is encouraging us to branch out into the writing community and she was the one who turned me onto the Writers Guild. I've been writing stories since I was ten years old (I sucked a lot back then) and haven't stopped since. Mostly, I write novels and short stories, although I have been known to dabble in peotry from time to time. Making this account, I'm hoping to meet some new writers and get out to some local events so I can get to know my writing community a bit better. I am an unpublished author, but I'm hoping to change that in the next few years or so as I have a few completed manuscripts. So yeah, that's me.


The Creative Writing Society @ RDC

  • Comedy / Humour
  • Fantasy
  • Horror
  • Mystery / Suspense / Thriller
  • Poetry
  • Science Fiction
  • Short Stories
  • Travel Writing
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