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NameDianne D Koebel-Pede
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationEdson, Alberta

Dianne is an author/educator and is grateful to read, write, and play with words as part of her job. The rhythm and rhyme of language captured her heart at a young age. Inspiring children and their families to find joy and meaning in literature is an important part of her work.

The nerd that always has a notebook and something to write with, that's Dianne. Her writing encompasses a variety of genres including: picture books, young adult and middle grade novels, professional newsletters, magazine and newspaper articles, scripts for community musicals, numerous essays and poems. She has also been known to write powerful letters of inquiry and protest for injustices that tug at her sense of fairness and love for humanity.

Words have the power to heal or harm. My goal is to comfort, entertain, educate, inspire, connect, and like the physician, "Do no harm."


Published and PAID writing occurred in 1992 and 1993. I reviewed children's books for the Edmonton Journal. It was a great gig and I got to keep the books for my classroom. All of my other writing has been for fun and for FREE!


Perfect Attendance in Kindergarten Trophy!


Children's Book Reviewer - Edmonton Journal

Local Communications Officer - Evergreen Local ATA (Duties included: writing, editing, publishing a monthly newsletter for teachers)

Script Writer for Children's Musicals performed in our community


Alberta Writer's Guild



CCOP Canadian Company of Pilgrims

Lifetime Member of Alberta Teacher's Association

  • Children's Literature
  • Comedy / Humour
  • Essay
  • Health
  • Juvenile Literature
  • Middle Grade Literature
  • Poetry
  • Short Stories
  • Spiritual
  • Travel Writing
  • Book Reviews
  • Editing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Ghostwriting
  • Proofreading
  • Readings - Youth
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