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NameJeremy Ash
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationCalgary, Alberta

I am a graduate of SAIT's Journalism program but I found the field somewhat limiting. Being a creative storyteller is where my muse is truly found. I am always a ham, I overact everything and try my very best to blow everything out of proportion. I have goals of sailing the world and recording my adventures (whether real or embellished) and write them for children to laugh at and to learn from and to grow with. That's the plan as of today.


One article in SAIT's newspaper, The Weal


Journalism Diploma SAIT

Various creative writing courses through cont. ed.


The Writer's Guild of Alberta

  • Children's Literature
  • Comedy / Humour
  • Creative Nonfiction
  • Juvenile Literature
  • Middle Grade Literature
  • Poetry
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