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NameBooda Alatise
Business NameBA Writes

Booda Alatise is a Freelance Writer, Speaker and Social critic who is never afraid to take on contentious issues in our society. He is never uncomfortable to have those conversations that make the participants uncomfortable. He says it as it is!

Before deciding to write, Booda Alatise spent over 30 years as a pianist and music entrepreneur, managing choirs and bands in Africa and Europe. His mind is like the keys of a piano; it has endless possibilities. After a brief and successful stint in Africa, Booda Alatise immigrated to Canada and now writes on various topics as well as furthering his musical career. BA as he is fondly referred to, is taking on his writing and using the power of kind words to soothe a hurting world.

Booda Alatise, being a very grateful suicide survivor is out to unmask the threat that suicide is to the younger generation and to take down the stigma associated with suicidal tendencies. He enjoys soccer and conversations around music, tech, space exploration, women, gender equality, family, divorce, and weirdly World War 2!

BA available for marketing, speaking and writing projects, as well as private consultations.

  • Academic / Scholarly
  • Autobiography / Biography / Memoir
  • Blogging
  • Comedy / Humour
  • Health
  • Short Stories
  • Spiritual
  • Spoken Word
  • Travel Writing
  • Book Reviews
  • Copy Writing
  • Editing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Ghostwriting
  • Lectures / Public Speaking
  • Manuscript Reading / Consultation
  • Proofreading
  • Website / Blog Writing
  • Workshops - Youth
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