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NameMarcus Vertodazo
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationCalgary, Alberta

Mark (Marcus) Vertodazo is a Filipino-Canadian born in Calgary and raised within the South East neighborhoods of Forest Lawn. He is a full time student at Mount Royal University, majoring in Sociology while pursuing a minor in Creative Writing. Creatively, he identifies first as a Spoken Word Poet. He was first exposed to YYCês slam poetry scene within his junior year of high-school in 2016, participating in Albertaês provincial –Can You Hear Me Now?” poetry slam competition. The following year, he was one of the three main students who took a leadership position within Father Lacombe High-Schoolês Spoken Word Team and eventually led his troupe of eccentric and unorthodox-thinking teenage poets into winning the entire competition. In his free time, Marcus spends his days getting lost in random neighborhoods on his skateboard, loitering in libraries and bookstores, thrift-shopping and –geeking out” over anything Star Wars/Studio Ghibli related. His overall dream is to become an officially recognized poet laureate, however he is in no rush.


- Spoken Word poet since 2016.

- Part of Freefall Magazine's Editorial Team.


Member of "The Inkguild" (

  • General Nonfiction
  • Poetry
  • Spoken Word
  • Young Adult Literature
  • Editing
  • Lectures / Public Speaking
  • Mentoring
  • Proofreading
Other Contact

[ Am currently in the works of creating a website and social media outlets focused on my own pieces and recordings. Best place to contact me at the moment is my email. ]

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