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Name | Glen Argan |
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Location | Alberta |
Biography | Raised in Regina, I have been a full-time or, more recently, a freelance journalist since 1978. I have worked for the Red Deer Advocate, Winnipeg Sun, Edmonton Journal, Inner City Voice of Winnipeg (editor) and Western Catholic Reporter of Edmonton (editor & general manager). I have also edited the Toronto-based Living with Christ monthly publication and have edited several books for Novalis Publications. I continue to write regularly for The Catholic Register of Toronto and am currently working writing several short stories. |
Awards | Leslie K. Tarr Award (2018) - The Word Guild for a lifetime contribution to Christian writing and publishing in Canada. |
Experience | Bachelor of Arts (political science & philosophy) - University of Regina Master of Arts (philosophy) - University of New Brunswick Master of Arts (theology) - Catholic Distance University Master of Theology - Newman Theological College |
Memberships | Editors Canada |
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