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Name | Nancy Fielding |
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Location | Leduc, Alberta |
Biography | Born in Toronto, I've been away from freelance writing for far too long, as life got in my way when I made the move to the Edmonton area a dozen years ago. Now at that age where the creative bug is still nibbling away at me and urging me to get back at it, I am working on a Copywriters Course through the Writers Bureau in England, and hoping to start reaching out to potential clients over the next year. I think I've been a writer all my life, starting from Kindergarten when I drew pictures of a man, woman and dog and wrote the words underneath the pictures. I was five years old at the time, and my teacher was amazed! That's pretty much what did it for me. But my first professional gig came at age 20, learning the ropes in the national newsroom at CBC Radio in Toronto. Freelance work has included magazines, website copy and just a couple of spots for CKUA radio (the latter being volunteer). |
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