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NameJerry Bentz
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
LocationEDMONTON, Alberta

Jerry Bentz is an Alberta-based action/adventure/thriller writer who's also a professional biologist and environmental consultant. The debut novel in his John Benson series, Operation Coyote, was published (Friesen Press) in March 2021. The next book in the series, Operation Cobra, will be released in mid 2022.

True to his profession, Jerry developed the four main fictional characters in the series of John Benson novels as being heroic scientists and law enforcement professionals dedicated to global wildlife conservation and the curtailment of the international trafficking of wildlife and illegal wildlife products.



Jerry Bentzês Debut Novel in the John Benson Series

What if an even more deadly mutated version of the COVID-19 virus were to emerge one year after the start of the world-wide pandemic and within weeks of the global roll-out of several new COVID-19 vaccines in early 2021?

On January 21, 2021, just outside of Boulder, Colorado, a domestic house cat unknowingly infected with the COVID-19 virus and owned by the Chief of Trauma Medicine at the Denver Health Medical Center, is attacked by a coyote in the back yard of its ownerês acreage. Although the cat initially survives, it becomes patient zero for the new mutated version of the virus. After the death of the cat and its owner from what first appears to be a re-infection of the COVID-19 virus, the United States Centre for Disease Control discovers the true nature of this new and possibly devastating threat to the world.

The race to control the new mutated version of the corona virus, COVID-21, and develop a new modified vaccine begins with Operation Coyote. Dr. John Benson, a renowned Canadian forensic wildlife biologist, RCMP Inspector, and senior strategist and trainer with INTERPOLês Wildlife Crime Working Group, together with Dr. Kate Beckett, long term colleague, romantic partner, forensic wildlife biologist, and a senior Special Agent with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Law Enforcement, are chosen by the Democrat controlled White House to run Operation Coyote.

What happens over the ensuing four weeks could influence the fate of the worldês population and economy.


Crime Writers of Canada

  • Crime Writing
  • General Fiction
  • Mystery / Suspense / Thriller
  • Freelance Writing
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