Sharon Bala Webinar: Writing Who You Don’t Know
Saturday, October 1710:00am-11:00am $25 for WGA Members, $35 for non-members,Students $10Registration is now closed. If you registered for this event, the webinar link should be contained in your receipt email. How do we write from outside our experience? Specifically: how do we create characters whose skin colour, ethnicity, sexuality, and/or gender are not our own? […]
WGA 2020 Fall Kick-Off Video Available
If you were unable to join us for the 2020 Fall Kick-Off event, the video is now available! Every September the WGA hosts an event intended to help writers organize their literary agendas for the rest of the year. There are festivals, workshops, seminars, webinars, author talks, readings and book launches happening across the province—and because […]
Literary/AI Workshop – Call for Expressions of Interest
In collaboration with Margaret Lam (,, the Writers’ Guild of Alberta is developing a hands-on workshop to help writers explore the inner-workings of artificial intelligence, and its implications on how we read and write in a digital context. Designed to be held over a 3-month period, 6 participating writers will engage in workshops on […]
WGA 2020 Annual General Meeting
Thursday, September 17, 20207:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Online The AGM is free and open to all WGA members in good standing. This year’s AGM will be help online, in accordance with current Alberta Health Regulations restricting in-person events. If you are a member and wish to attend the AGM, please RSVP by Friday, September 11. The AGM agenda, draft minutes of the 2019 AGM, and a […]
WGA Webinar: Plotting for Pantsers, Intuits and the Totally Lost, Part 2 with Ali Bryan
Saturday, September 12, 202010:00 – 11:30 am$25 for WGA members, $35 for non-members,Students $10 *You do not have to have attended Part 1 to receive all the benefits of this webinar. It will begin with a short recap. WGA members can also access the recording of Part 1. Simply contact [email protected] for the link* Are […]
Call for Submissions: The Curve Community Art Installation
Until September 28, 2020Open to Peace Country residentsDeadline to submit: August 17 Attention all Peace Country residents! You can contribute your creative responses to the COVID-19 global health crisis in this special art exhibition, The Curve. The WGA is partnering with the Art Gallery of Grande Prairie (AGGP) to present The Curve, a multi-disciplinary community art installation […]
WGA Webinars
For a limited time, our past webinars are available free to members, $20 for non-members. A full list of past webinars are available at: Choose from a wide selection of topics like writing thrillers, how to publicize your book, research and nonfiction, and tips for online readings!
WGA Podcasts are Now on Spotify
You can now listen to WGA podcasts on Spotify! Listen to past podcasts from the WGA’s Borderlines Writers Circle, the Let’s Get Lit Poetry Podcast Series and the Book Women Podcast series all on our Spotify page!
Pandemic Postcards – Winners Announced
The WGA is thrilled to announce the winners of our 2020 Pandemic Postcards Contest! We invited Alberta authors to share 250 word stories of what inspires their writing during this pandemic, and what they might write on a postcard from home. The winners will receive the following prizes as well as publication in an upcoming electronic chapbook. […]
WordsWorth Presents: Circuit Tree 2020
An online summer creative writing residency for youth aged 11-19 July 19 – 24 (ages 11-19), $250OnlineRegistration for Circuit Tree 2020 is now closed. The first ten registrations or referrals to a friend who hasn’t attended our summer camp in a previous year will receive a free t-shirt. From the creative minds that brought you […]