We are holding our casino July 11 – 12, 2024 at the Starlight Casino (West Edmonton Mall) in Edmonton, and we’ll need volunteers to make it a success! Our casinos bring in approximately $80,000 over two years, which goes a long way in helping the WGA provide programs and services.
WGA members are required for key positions (you will receive a free WGA membership if you choose to sign up for a key position), but others may be filled by anyone, so please share our call far and wide.
Sign Up
We’re using SignUp.com to organize our casino volunteers. Position descriptions, shift times, and positions we still need to fill are available through SignUp.com.
Here’s how to sign-up in three easy steps:
- Click this link to see our SignUp on SignUp.com: https://signup.com/go/WBMcikM
- Review the options listed and choose your preferred volunteer shift.
- Sign up! You will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.com.
All volunteers will get a free meal, coffee, tea, and snacks from the casino, and we will reimburse transportation if needed. Out-of-town volunteers are welcome and will have accommodations covered.
Volunteers will also receive a one-year WGA membership!
SignUp.com does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use
your email address, please contact us at [email protected] and we will
sign you up manually.