(YEG) WGA Monthly Event: Writing and Alcohol

Literary culture and alcohol culture have crossed paths so many times over the years that a lot of the time it seems like they parallel to each other. The mystique of the drunken writer, the tortured genius, Irish whiskey branded “Writers’ Tears”, and figures that loom large in our collective psyches like Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Carver, and so many others. Being a writer in the 21st century has more pitfalls and temptations, but there is also more information and knowledge available to us as well. How can the literary community be more supportive of our fellow writers who are in recovery? Do we need to adjust how we approach readings and networking events? What other options exist for people who are looking for more alcohol-free events for any reason?

Join us at Audreys Books and join the conversation with our panel of writers and experts.

Guests: Katie Bickell has written on the topics of sobriety, recovery, mental health, and mindful living for such publications as WestWord, The Temper, Scary Mommy, and her own online platforms. She is the recipient of two Alberta Foundation of the Arts individual artist’s grants, the WGA’s 2017 Emerging Artist Award, the 2015 Howard O’Hagan Award for Short Story, the 2014 Alberta Views’ Short Story Contest, and YMC’s 2011 Voices of Motherhood Essay Contest. Her first novel, Always Brave, Sometimes Kind, is to be released by Brindle & Glass Publishing September 2020. She is currently completing her second book, Kicked, a coming-of-age memoir of her first pregnancy. Connect through the author’s website: katiebickell.com

Corinne “Been” Simpson (she/her) is COO of Sober Saturdayz and owner/operator of Corinne Assistant, a personal virtual assistant company. She is also a trained makeup artist, writer, production manager for local films, and former stage manager for live theatre in New Zealand. “I also don’t drink. I have 18 years sobriety. Admitting my struggle with alcohol and becoming sober was the hardest/best thing I’ve ever done. For all the drinking I did to become someone else, when I stopped I discovered myself and now that I’m fully and clearly me, there’s no one else I’d rather be. At Sober Saturdayz we embrace everyone no matter what their story is with alcohol. This is a place where harm reduction is an action, something we are currently working, not just a dream. We work to create non-alcoholic havens within society together, and bring real choice, community, and delicious fun to everyone, not just those in recovery.”

Audreys Books (10702 Jasper Ave)

Wednesday, March 4th. 7pm

This is a free event. All are welcome!

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