YEG-March Member Night – Writers in Residence: They’re here to help!

WGA Member Night
Wednesday, March 6. 2019
7pm. The Almanac on Whyte, 10351 82 Ave.

Members: Free. Non-members $5

Writers in Residence: They’re here to help!

The Alberta writing community is blessed to have multiple institutions that provide a Writer-in-Residence program. Libraries, universities, and other literary institutions and non-profits support these programs that make skilled writers available in their communities to provide free consultations and feedback with emerging writers. This event will be all about how Writers in Residence can help you with your writing. We will have five current or previous writers in residence to talk about all the resources that are available to writers of all skill levels out there.

Special guest Writers-in-Residence include: Matthew Stepanic, Rayanne Haines, Wayne Arthurson, Nisha Patel, and Katherine Koller.

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