Writers’ Laxative: Online Mini-workshop with Sue Farrell Holler

Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Noon – 1:30 pm
Free for WGA members, $20 for non-members

Designed to loosen and stimulate the movement of words and thoughts, this fun and interactive workshop will relieve temporary writerly constipation. 

A series of opening lines with only a few minutes to write will block your inner critic and help make writing fun again. The best part is the sharing and learning all writers get constipated from time to time. 

You won’t finish anything in this workshop, but it should give you the urge to write again and at least one project to get you started.

Sue Farrell Holler is a children’s author, journalist, and a former Sun Media parenting/humour columnist. Her latest YA book Cold White Sun was a 2019 finalist for a Governor General’s Literary Award and is currently a finalist for the WGA’s R. Ross Annett Award for Children’s Literature. Her next project is a picture book; Raven, Rabbit, Deer is set for publication by Pajama Press in November 2020.

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