WordBridge Lethbridge Writing Conference

WordBridge Writing Conference

Saturday, February 9
10 AM – 4:00 PM
Main Branch, Lethbridge Public Library, Theatre Gallery

The WordBridge writer’s conference brings local authors together for a day of panels, keynote speeches, and networking. Sponsored by the Writer’s Guild of Alberta, EssentialEdits.ca, and the City of Lethbridge, this is your opportunity to participate in the vibrant writing community emerging in Lethbridge and area.

For more information, please visit our website, www.WordBridgeConference.com.

Panel 1

Publishing Options

Pros and cons of traditional vs self-publishing: should one use a publishing platform like Wattpad; self-publish as an ebook; self-publish using print-on-demand or a local printer; pay a ‘service provider’ to organize covers, editing, distribution etc; find a smaller regional/niche press; or hold out for a big traditional publisher? 

Panel 2

Working With An Editor

The different types of editors (e.g., proofreading vs copy editing vs structural editing vs stylistic vs acquisition, etc), which you need, and how to choose. How to use Word Track Changes to talk with your editor, how to interpret editor input, and when to argue back.  

Panel 3

Shanghai Surprise Panel

As authors register for the conference and we discover both what expertise we have available and what the burning issue is for registrants, we will recruit a panel of experts on that issue for your entertainment and edification. Surprise! You may be on the panel for this one!

Panel 4

Live Action Slush

Ever wonder what happens when you send your manuscript to an acquisitions editor? This WordBridge workshop panel gives you a chance to find out the editor’s thought process as they read your first page.

Authors anonymously submit the first page of their typed manuscript, and the panel moderator reads it aloud as five editors listen. When an editor hears something that would give them pause, they raise their hand. When three hands are raised, the moderator stops reading. The editors then explain why they would have rejected that manuscript. The goal is to get your page through the gauntlet without any hands up, or to discover what’s the hiccup in your manuscript.

Panel 5

Recommended Resources For Writers

Panelists and audience members share recommendations for resources they have actually found useful. 

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