WGA Webinar – How to Edit Your Work with Kimmy Beach

How to Edit Your Work with Kimmy Beach
Saturday, January 19 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Members: $25, Nonmembers: $35

In this webinar, you’ll discover quick ways to tighten your prose before sending it on for further editing. You’re the first editor of anything you write, and while you won’t be the last, it’s best to be able to produce the cleanest copy possible for the next person who will see it (a substantive editor, copy editor, agent, publisher, writing group, your mom, a literary journal, or a magazine). 

During our time together, we will be doing some hands-on editing of a piece of prose (don’t worry; it won’t be your work and there’s no exam afterward). You can access this document HERE. Please have that page handy (printed preferably) as that will be our starting point. It’s not homework. Rather, it’s a piece we’ll use during the webinar to give you a good, clear representation of what a chunk of writing looks like before and after editing. 
After the webinar, I’ll also provide you with a good list of additional editing techniques that can greatly improve your work. That will be accessible at the website above immediately following our workshop. 
This webinar will focus on prose fiction because we have a short window of time. However, several of the techniques you’ll learn will be useful in editing other genres as well.  

Kimmy Beach’s sixth book, Nuala: A Fable (UAP, 2017) was shortlisted for the Georges Bugnet Award for Fiction. She lives in Red Deer where she freelances as an editor and consultant for presses and writers across the country. Visit her at kimmybeach.com 

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