The WGA announces the upcoming departure of Calgary-based Program Director Samantha Warwick. Sam has been with us for over 15 years and has developed a vibrant WGA community in Calgary and surrounding areas. She has supported writers—both new and established—from across Alberta and beyond, creating opportunities for artists to have their work celebrated and showcased at events, conferences and community partnerships. Since 2005, Sam has promoted the literary arts and writers through creative and inspiring programs held at indie bookstores, breweries, atmospheric wine stores, libraries, pubs, museums and even yoga studios. We will miss Sam’s enthusiasm, welcoming energy, dedication to the community and innovative collaborations. Sam’s last day will be October 1, 2020. Although we are very sad to see her go, we are excited for Sam as she moves forward to focus on her own writing career. Sam, we will miss you and wish you the very best of luck!

The WGA would also like to announce that Giorgia Severini left the WGA on August 6 for a one-year maternity leave. Giorgia has been an essential part of the WGA team for the past twelve years in a number of capacities: Admin Assistant, Member Services Coordinator, Program Coordinator and Operations Manager. She also oversaw our last website and database revamp; she is a keen writer of grant applications, and most recently launched the Digital Strategies project, our Online Reading Series, and Regional Facilitators program. Outside of the WGA, she has been a theatre director for more than a decade and a playwright in recent years. Her first original play, Going Viral, was produced at the Edmonton Fringe Festival in 2010. In March, 2020 her play Border Breakdown was featured in the Skirts Afire Peep Show Reading Series. We send her our heartfelt congratulations on the new additional to her family and eagerly await her return to the WGA in 2021!