The WGA and CanAuthors Alberta are hosting two upcoming events with Edmonton author Alison Clarke.
1. Alison Clarke – An Author’s Journey

Friday, September 27, 8:00 pm
St Andrew’s Centre, 12720 111 Ave.
CAA/ WGA Members: $10, First-time attendees: Free
Alison Clarke will share her journey – including her bouts with cancer, self-publishing, and the importance of listening to your own voice.
Alison Clarke will discuss her journey with two bouts of cancer and how it transformed her life – it was a primary reason why she started the journey towards being an author. She’ll share her self-publishing journey with her two illustrated children’s books, The Adventures Of Eli The Elephant and Eli Goes To The Moon. Alison will talk about her experience entering grad school and the reasons why she attended the program, her award-winning young adult fantasy series, and the journey that led to publication. She will also discuss the importance of listening to your own voice and the importance of following your dreams. GET TICKETS HERE
2. Alison Clarke – Travelling Different Worlds: The Importance of Setting

Saturday, September 28, 9:30 – 3:30 pm
St Andrew’s Centre, 12720 111 Ave.
CAA/WGA Members: $40, Nonmembers: $70
During this workshop, Alison Clarke will lead participants through an exploration of setting.
Setting is an essential part of storytelling! During this workshop, Alison Clarke will lead participants through an exploration of setting, including examples in a variety of creative mediums, several writing exercises, discussion periods, and more. GET TICKETS HERE