WGA and Canadian Literature Centre – Blue Pencil Café


When: Thursday and Friday, November 5 &6
Time: 10:00 am – 4:30 pm
Where: University of Alberta, Humanities Centre 4-113

What: In partnership with the Canadian Literature Centre, this two-day event allows emerging writers or students to make an appointment with a published author and discuss work in progress. 2015 Blue Pencil authors are Pierrette Requier (the City of Edmonton’s current Poet Laureate) and Greg Bechtel (winner of the BPAA’s 2015 Trade Fiction Book Award and shortlisted for the 2015 Robert Kroetsch City of Edmonton Book Prize).

Sign Up: Writing samples can be submitted in advance, up to 5 double-spaced typed pages. There is NO COST to attend the café, but there are limited time slots available. For more information, visit abclc.ca. To book a session, email [email protected].

Blue Pencil Requier&Bechtel

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