WGA 2020 Fall Kick-Off Video Available

If you were unable to join us for the 2020 Fall Kick-Off event, the video is now available!

Every September the WGA hosts an event intended to help writers organize their literary agendas for the rest of the year. There are festivals, workshops, seminars, webinars, author talks, readings and book launches happening across the province—and because so many events have moved online this year—we have a chance to attend more programs than ever! 

Join us live on our YouTube channel for our virtual kick-off to get the lay of the literary land this fall.

Scheduled Speakers:

  • Fawnda Mithrush from LitFest
  • Shelley Youngblut from Wordfest 
  • Peter Midgley from STARFest
  • Alexandra Handley from the Calgary Distinguished Writers Program
  • CDWP Writer-in-Residence Meg Braem (TBA, we hope!)
  • Alicia and Rhonda from Editors Edmonton
  • Kim Firmston from the Alexandra Writers’ Centre Society
  • Claire Kelly from NeWest Press
  • Shaun Hunter and Rosemary Griebel from the Calgary Public Library
  • Sarah Krotz from the Canadian Literature Centre
  • Edmonton metro and regional Writers in Residence Susie Moloney and Conni Massing
  • Elisabeth Hegerat from Word on the Street Lethbridge
  • Nisha Patel from Poetry Fest

We are also very excited to welcome special guest speakers and virtual meeting experts, The Zoom Crew!

Ambi Encé, Mimi Memorablé, and Wanda Écouté originally met in a chat roulette circa 1998 where they discovered a mutual love for virtual connection. Collectively, these sassy gals foraged into the progressive online territory of MSN messenger, AOL, and Facebook- aiding each other in navigating the muddy waters of online aliases, group chats, and eventually emojis; all striving to present their best, and most authentic selves to the growing cyber community. Gaining popularity through appropriately placed “thumbs ups”, selfies, and witty MySpace posts, they hit their stride when FaceTime became a thing, and they decided to meet FaceTime to FaceTime. To FaceTime. Thus began their multi-million viewer Vlog: ‘How To Do Online Talking’. Since March of 2020, they’ve taken the Zoom community by storm, offering structured workshops, and creative feedback for how to jooje up your everyday Zoom! Don’t just Zoom- Joom!

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