The Dragon Problem

Robert Proudfoot

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Book Description

Shoshan (AKA Susie), a female dragon has lived among humans for hundreds of years, residing on a mountain near the village of Zos, but has aged and become a liability; she frustrates the villagers with her grouchy demeanor and clumsy antics. The villagers would drive Shoshan away, firstly appeasing her leave through human sacrifice (which Shoshan refuses), then unleashing mob violence led by a villainous dentist (Millie Mandible) and Mayor Sanchez whom she plots to unseat, which the dragon escapes. Shoshan wants to live peacefully, and help others with her ancient magic and wisdom. A traditional healer (Gerdty) and her husband Roland, milkmaid Marianne, and the king's daughter (Viisi) help her restore kindness and knowledge to all.


My book is a collaborative fantasy novel written by 11 authors, and published by Lintusen Press, a small traditional press. We enjoyed the journey, and are happy with our accomplishment. The Dragon Problem is suitable reading for children to adults to enjoy fantasy, magic, legends, traditional medicines, inclusion and reconciliation, and dragons, particularly kind, wise, and magical ones.

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